Anda que Serena Abweh está igual de en forma que yo View this post on Instagram Hi guys! hope everyone is staying healthy and peaceful and corona free (besides a lil corona🍺 here and there) Honestly I have really no clue what the heck is going on anymore, kind of just disassociate myself from reality for a bit but I am BACK! And ready to be the 1,000,001 person to show you a minimal equipment workout. Just threw a bunch of stuff together that I really enjoy. Besides the 5th one smh I know that this time is very rough for a lot of us so just gotta try our best to take it one day at a time. Do our part and just trust that things will be OKKKK. How are you guys holdin up?? Wearing @gymshark as always☺️ big sale still going on btw link in bio hehe A post shared by Serena Abweh (@rena_serenaa) on Mar 18, 2020 at 10:06am PDT @rena_serenaa
«En Filipinas no pasa ná, de ná, de ná» Atentos a este español en Filipinas, conocido ya como el ‘Corona Vairus‘. Grasia. @ConAmeba